- Pilot with adoptive mom Corrie
- Paloma at her adoptive home
- Cotton and Eeyore living the good life at their adoptive home
- Bud with foster dad Burton
- Sugar at her foster home
- Hershey at his foster home
Rehome. Our ultimate goal for each one of the Easy R horses is to find an appropriate, hopefully permanent, placement with a person that will provide quality care, love, and time with the horse. We desire to match each horse with an adoptive home that is the best “fit”. We want to ensure that the horse will have adequate space, quality feed, appropriate shelter, necessary medical care, companion animal(s), attention, and ongoing training, if needed. Horses are a LOT of work, and require a LOT of time, and a LOT of money. Potential adopters need to understand the time and financial commitment that will be required to own an Easy R horse.
We have an application process that starts with a paper application, including a criminal history check. The next step is a property inspection by an Easy R staff. At that point, the staff will thoroughly explain all the procedures and expectations that would be required for adoption. Each horse has an adoption fee based on its age, physical condition, and training. Not everyone who applies to adopt a horse from Easy R will be approved. These decisions are always made in the best interest of the equine. If you are interested in knowing more about any of the horses up for adoption, or the adoption process, please contact Easy R at 806-928-1403.
Some horses will probably always be residents of Easy R. These are the horses that have a medical condition that might be too costly or time-intensive for an adoptive home; are not amenable to training for some reason, making them unpredictable/unsafe for an adoptive home; or, we have just become too attached to let them go.
Easy R also has a foster program in which area residents foster one or more of the horses until they become adopted. There are several different fostering options, so if you are interested in fostering a horse for Easy R, please contact us at 806-928-1403. There is an application process and property inspection required for this program also. Foster parents often become adoptive parents because they become too attached to the horses to let them go to another home!